Why is it that many times we feel, I've put all effforts and I have still not succeeded in this area? It may be in losing weight, earning more money, earning more recognition, getting into or out of a relationship, or any of the other objectives that we work for in our life.
Some people would say whatever you do, only if it is in your stars would it work out for you. Others would say, you are in charge of your destiny. Where you put your efforts, you will see results. Some would say karma. Some others would say it's God's Will. Whatever reason is ascribed to it, we have all noticed that the results are not always relative to our efforts.
Sometimes, I've struggled and stretched and done everything I can to achieve something and the end result is a Big Zero. There have also been instances where I have not taken any effort and suddenly there is a windfall and I get something I want without having done any effort to achieve it.
Life can look confusing and contrary many a time. People who don't deserve it, get it. People who deserve it are left high and dry. And in some rare times, people who deserve it, get it.
I have given up trying to decipher this phenomenon and I have resigned myself to be just an observer and watch events develop, and give it a nudge and push now and then. It's far more gratifying this way. I don't get stressed at the outcome and I discover the many twists and turns that fate throws at us and marvel at the way this chess game is developing.
I move a pawn here and He moves a rook there. I think the situation is hopeless and suddenly I find His queen exposed and take it.
The game of life has ups and downs, successes and failures, high times and low times. But it's never boring and always exciting.
If we have the ability to observe ourselves and the world as we play out our roles in life, there is immense excitement and magic in the way life develops and pans out.
Go live your life and observe the little nuances, turns and twists that life offers and marvel at how He is moving us in the direction we had set for our self before we came in.
Some people would say whatever you do, only if it is in your stars would it work out for you. Others would say, you are in charge of your destiny. Where you put your efforts, you will see results. Some would say karma. Some others would say it's God's Will. Whatever reason is ascribed to it, we have all noticed that the results are not always relative to our efforts.
Sometimes, I've struggled and stretched and done everything I can to achieve something and the end result is a Big Zero. There have also been instances where I have not taken any effort and suddenly there is a windfall and I get something I want without having done any effort to achieve it.
Life can look confusing and contrary many a time. People who don't deserve it, get it. People who deserve it are left high and dry. And in some rare times, people who deserve it, get it.
I have given up trying to decipher this phenomenon and I have resigned myself to be just an observer and watch events develop, and give it a nudge and push now and then. It's far more gratifying this way. I don't get stressed at the outcome and I discover the many twists and turns that fate throws at us and marvel at the way this chess game is developing.
I move a pawn here and He moves a rook there. I think the situation is hopeless and suddenly I find His queen exposed and take it.
The game of life has ups and downs, successes and failures, high times and low times. But it's never boring and always exciting.
If we have the ability to observe ourselves and the world as we play out our roles in life, there is immense excitement and magic in the way life develops and pans out.
Go live your life and observe the little nuances, turns and twists that life offers and marvel at how He is moving us in the direction we had set for our self before we came in.