Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Free Will or Divine Design

Why is it that many times we feel, I've put all effforts and I have still not succeeded in this area? It may be in losing weight, earning more money, earning more recognition, getting into or out of a relationship, or any of the other objectives that we work for in our life.
Some people would say whatever you do, only if it is in your stars would it work out for you. Others would say, you are in charge of your destiny. Where you put your efforts, you will see results. Some would say karma. Some others would say it's God's Will. Whatever reason is ascribed to it, we have all noticed that the results are not always relative to our efforts.
Sometimes, I've struggled and stretched and done everything I can to achieve something and the end result is a Big Zero. There have also been instances where I have not taken any effort and suddenly there is a windfall and I get something I want without having done any effort to achieve it.
Life can look confusing and contrary many a time. People who don't deserve it, get it. People who deserve it are left high and dry. And in some rare times, people who deserve it, get it.
I have given up trying to decipher this phenomenon and I have resigned myself to be just an observer and watch events develop, and give it a nudge and push now and then. It's far more gratifying this way. I don't get stressed at the outcome and I discover the many twists and turns that fate throws at us and marvel at the way this chess game is developing.
I move a pawn here and He moves a rook there. I think the situation is hopeless and suddenly I find His queen exposed and take it.
The game of life has ups and downs, successes and failures, high times and low times. But it's never boring and always exciting.
If we have the ability to observe ourselves and the world as we play out our roles in life, there is immense excitement and magic in the way life develops and pans out.
Go live your life and observe the little nuances, turns and twists that life offers and marvel at how He is moving us in the direction we had set for our self before we came in.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Muggy Morning

It's a Friday morning and the weather outside is muggy. Sombre clouds have darkened the horizon. There's no breeze. The weather is still and it looks like nature is waiting for a signal from someone to download its burden.
Everyone goes through days like this where their burden is so much that it needs to break out and get freed from its container. Just like nature has its escape valves that get released when the pressure builds up to intolerable levels, we humans too have escape valves that we need to consciously release so that the built up pressure is removed.

Are you aware of your escape valves and do you consciously release the pressure in a safe and healthy manner?

These are some of the ways that we can release stress in a safe and healthy manner:

A) Remove clutter in your personal life:
  1. Clean out the draws; 
  2. Empty out your purse or wallet and remove unwanted stuff
  3. Throw away or give away unwanted or long unused clothes
  4. Polish your shoes 
  5. De-clutter your mobile - remove old unwanted contacts and information
  6. Clean up your laptop or computer
  7. Tidy up your wardrobe
  8. Have a haircut 
B) Meet or speak to old friends who make you laugh

C) Immerse yourself in nature - beach, lawns, forest walk, etc

D) Go for a jog or play a vigorous game

E) Do yoga nidra 

This is only an indicative list. make your own and cross out those that are addictive or abusive to your body or mind. 

De-stress yourself and release pent up emotions. Only you can take care of your body and mind.

Be grateful that you have this opportunity to clean up, de-tox and get more energised.

Have a lovely day.

Taking stock of your blessings

Did you just say, what blessings?
There are many days when I've felt that way too. When life weighs down on you and you think the whole world has conspired to get at you. It's a spiral staircase that goes down, down and further down with no sign of letting up.
I have been where you have been, and you may not believe me, because when you are in it, it looks like only you are going through it and the rest of the world is better off. But we all have our hells and we find ways of getting ourselves out.
One of the better ways of pulling yourself out of this self defeating spiral is to take stock of the blessings in your life. Yes, even at its worst there is always something to be grateful for.
You are able to read it - you have eyes and you are literate. Millions don't have this luxury.
You have electricity right now. Millions are suffering without electricity or for very very less periods of time.
You have energy and the ability to move and be fully or reasonably self reliant in your daily routine. Many others would give an arm and a leg to have that.
The list is endless. There are many many things working in your life right now. In your body. In your relationships. In your finances. In your health. In your family, city, country. Nature is in bloom and butterflies and birds are fluttering about. Did you notice them?
Notice the stuff that works. Notice the millions of things that once gave you so much of pleasure and that you take for granted now.
List them. Celebrate them. You are unique. You have the ability to dig yourself out of any hole, any size.
So get to work and dispel those frowns and tensions.
Get active. Connect with people. Give of yourself. Learn something new. become aware of your surroundings and the good things that are still there in your life.
I love you. Life loves you.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Why should I pay compliments?

Why pay compliments?

 “I can live two months on a good compliment” - Mark Twain

When someone receives a compliment, the person who receives the praise enjoys feeling noticed and valued. At the same time the giver can also bask in the connection made. With every compliment given, a bond is established, trust is built, and conversation encouraged.

Here are a few suggestions to make the most of giving and receiving of compliments:

1) Be genuine. False praise is easy to spot, and it undermines your trustworthiness.
2) Avoid giving back-handed compliments, such as “Though you are dark, you are still pretty.”
3) Be as specific as possible. Avoid vagueness such as: “I like how you re-decorated your living room.” Be specific such as: “I like the color choice of your living room walls. It matches perfectly with the cushions and curtains.”
4) Never brush off a compliment given to you. It’s like returning a gift.
5) Smile and say thank you when you receive a compliment.
6) Look for something specific to compliment whenever you meet someone. You'll be surprised to see how good the world starts looking.

Try this for today and do it for one full day each week. This will get you to enjoy the world far more than you are doing now.

Monday, 1 July 2013

thankful tuesday today

Today I am grateful for my breath, and the cosmic energy that moves in me through my breath.
I feel connected with you and with all creation.
I am pure energy.
I live in you and you live in me.
Thank you for lighting up my life!
Thank you for being you.
And I thank me for being me.
We are all one.