Saturday, 19 October 2013

Mindful eating

Have you ever eaten a meal where you were conscious of every morsel entering your mouth? How did it feel?
Here is what happened to me when I had breakfast in a completely mindful state.
The menu was idlis, coconut chutney and mulaga podi (idli podi). Simple, nutritious and easy to make, i presume, some women may disagree.

As I took my first mouthful I relished the texture, the coarseness, the flavours, and the taste while I chewed and then swallowed the food. The next mouthful was dedicated to the person who made this for me and I mentally thanked and blessed her for making it for me. The next mouthful evoked images of the traders who had handled the rice, urad dhal, salt, coconuts, chillies, other dhals and spices that went into this dish and I mentally thanked each of them for being responsible for bringing me this food.
Then I went on a mental journey up the supply chain to dwell on each of those responsible for putting this food on my table - the farmers, their helpers, the drought animals that work on those farms, and all those beings (birds, insects, animals, etc. etc.) who have contributed to the growth of the grains, spices, nuts, etc.
The next mouthful gave thanks to the sun, the rains, the weather, the soil, wind, sky, water and all other elements of nature that have worked together to bring to life the grains, spices and nuts that were in this dish.
I suddenly felt humbled at the number of things that have come together to help me have this so-called-simple meal and I raised thanks to all those nameless souls and elements that have toiled for such a long time to help me get his meal.

As I relished the sense of smell, touch and taste of each mouthful and as I dwelt on each person, thing and place that has helped produce this meal and bring it to my table, it dawned on me that we are all interconnected and I am living, breathing, eating and drinking because of each of these people and things. I've been living life so superficially that I was completely unaware of the roles that people play in my life - the ones who are really contributing to my well-being and growth.
My mindspace has been occupied by thinking of people who are so insignificant to my well-being while ignoring the people who are really contributing to my daily life.
The choice of foods I eat can really change when I am fully aware of what I'm putting into my mouth. As I think of how each of these are produced, I would know whether it is aligned with my values and my image of who I am.
I would be in total harmony with myself and the universe because I will be taking only those foods that will contribute to my life the way I dream it to be.

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