Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The Magic - Day 5 (Magical Money)

Think back on all the times that you've received money, materials, services or something that cost someone some money. Be grateful for each of those times and soak in the gratitude.
Make a promise to yourself that whenever you receive any money, whether it's your salary, a refund or discount, or something that someone gives that would have cost you money, you will be truly grateful for it. Each of these circumstances means that you have received money and each instance gives you an opportunity to use gratitude's magical power to increase and multiply your money even more by being grateful for the money you just received.

Take a Rs 10 note (can be Rs1 or Rs 50 or 100 too). Write on a sticker or post it that you place on the note "Thank you for all the money I've been given throughout my life"
Take this note with you today and read it at least 4 to 5 times today at different times

Today's practice:
1) Repeat Day 1 practice: First thing in the morning write down 10 things that you are grateful to have in your life along with the reason why you are grateful. Once you've written down all 10, now read from the first one till the last but after each item say "thank you, thank you, thank you" while feeling the reason why you are grateful.
2)  Last thing at night take your gratitude stone and feel it while thinking of the best thing that happened to you that day. This can be done a few times during the day too.
3) Take a look at the photo of the 3 most important people in your life and give thanks that they are, 'just the way they are'.
4) Put up the card which says "The Gift of Health is keeping me alive" prominently in your room and read it a few times.
5) Take the Magic 10 rupee note with you today and read it 4 or 5 times today.

Have a magical prosperous day today.

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