Saturday, 19 October 2013
The magical world of gratitude: Mindful eating
The magical world of gratitude: Mindful eating: Have you ever eaten a meal where you were conscious of every morsel entering your mouth? How did it feel? Here is what happened to me when...
Mindful eating
Have you ever eaten a meal where you were conscious of every morsel entering your mouth? How did it feel?
Here is what happened to me when I had breakfast in a completely mindful state.
The menu was idlis, coconut chutney and mulaga podi (idli podi). Simple, nutritious and easy to make, i presume, some women may disagree.
As I took my first mouthful I relished the texture, the coarseness, the flavours, and the taste while I chewed and then swallowed the food. The next mouthful was dedicated to the person who made this for me and I mentally thanked and blessed her for making it for me. The next mouthful evoked images of the traders who had handled the rice, urad dhal, salt, coconuts, chillies, other dhals and spices that went into this dish and I mentally thanked each of them for being responsible for bringing me this food.
Then I went on a mental journey up the supply chain to dwell on each of those responsible for putting this food on my table - the farmers, their helpers, the drought animals that work on those farms, and all those beings (birds, insects, animals, etc. etc.) who have contributed to the growth of the grains, spices, nuts, etc.
The next mouthful gave thanks to the sun, the rains, the weather, the soil, wind, sky, water and all other elements of nature that have worked together to bring to life the grains, spices and nuts that were in this dish.
I suddenly felt humbled at the number of things that have come together to help me have this so-called-simple meal and I raised thanks to all those nameless souls and elements that have toiled for such a long time to help me get his meal.
As I relished the sense of smell, touch and taste of each mouthful and as I dwelt on each person, thing and place that has helped produce this meal and bring it to my table, it dawned on me that we are all interconnected and I am living, breathing, eating and drinking because of each of these people and things. I've been living life so superficially that I was completely unaware of the roles that people play in my life - the ones who are really contributing to my well-being and growth.
My mindspace has been occupied by thinking of people who are so insignificant to my well-being while ignoring the people who are really contributing to my daily life.
The choice of foods I eat can really change when I am fully aware of what I'm putting into my mouth. As I think of how each of these are produced, I would know whether it is aligned with my values and my image of who I am.
I would be in total harmony with myself and the universe because I will be taking only those foods that will contribute to my life the way I dream it to be.
Here is what happened to me when I had breakfast in a completely mindful state.
The menu was idlis, coconut chutney and mulaga podi (idli podi). Simple, nutritious and easy to make, i presume, some women may disagree.
As I took my first mouthful I relished the texture, the coarseness, the flavours, and the taste while I chewed and then swallowed the food. The next mouthful was dedicated to the person who made this for me and I mentally thanked and blessed her for making it for me. The next mouthful evoked images of the traders who had handled the rice, urad dhal, salt, coconuts, chillies, other dhals and spices that went into this dish and I mentally thanked each of them for being responsible for bringing me this food.
Then I went on a mental journey up the supply chain to dwell on each of those responsible for putting this food on my table - the farmers, their helpers, the drought animals that work on those farms, and all those beings (birds, insects, animals, etc. etc.) who have contributed to the growth of the grains, spices, nuts, etc.
The next mouthful gave thanks to the sun, the rains, the weather, the soil, wind, sky, water and all other elements of nature that have worked together to bring to life the grains, spices and nuts that were in this dish.
I suddenly felt humbled at the number of things that have come together to help me have this so-called-simple meal and I raised thanks to all those nameless souls and elements that have toiled for such a long time to help me get his meal.
As I relished the sense of smell, touch and taste of each mouthful and as I dwelt on each person, thing and place that has helped produce this meal and bring it to my table, it dawned on me that we are all interconnected and I am living, breathing, eating and drinking because of each of these people and things. I've been living life so superficially that I was completely unaware of the roles that people play in my life - the ones who are really contributing to my well-being and growth.
My mindspace has been occupied by thinking of people who are so insignificant to my well-being while ignoring the people who are really contributing to my daily life.
The choice of foods I eat can really change when I am fully aware of what I'm putting into my mouth. As I think of how each of these are produced, I would know whether it is aligned with my values and my image of who I am.
I would be in total harmony with myself and the universe because I will be taking only those foods that will contribute to my life the way I dream it to be.
Friday, 18 October 2013
The magical world of gratitude: Foundation of a highly effective team - TRUST
The magical world of gratitude: Foundation of a highly effective team - TRUST: Patrick Lencioni describes five ways a team becomes dysfunctional in the form of a pyramid. The five functions in order of causality a...
Foundation of a highly effective team - TRUST
Patrick Lencioni describes five ways a team becomes dysfunctional in the form of a pyramid.
The five functions in order of causality are:
The five functions in order of causality are:
- Absence of Trust: People do not trust the intention of their team mates. They feel the need to protect themselves from each other and tread carefully around others on the team. This leads to the next dysfunction.
- Fear of conflict: Without trust, people are unwilling to involve themselves in productive debates and conflicts, the type of good conflict that focuses entirely on resolving issues without involving character attacks or hidden personal agendas. Without such healthy conflicts, issues stay unresolved or are unsatisfactorily resolved. People feel they have not been properly involved in decisions. This leads to the next dysfunction.
- Lack of commitment: When people feel their input has not been properly considered and that they have not been properly involved in decisions, they have no buy in. They do not commit to the final decision. Ambiguity about priorities and directions festers and uncertainties linger. This leads to the next dysfunction.
- Avoidance of accountability: When people have no buy in about decisions, they avoid accepting accountability. Worse still, they do not hold their teammates accountable to high standards. Resentment festers and mediocrity spreads. This leads to the final dysfunction.
- Inattention to results: The ultimate dysfunction of a team. People care about something other than the collective goals of the team. Goals are not met, results are not achieved and you lose your best people to your competition.
The best teams are those where team members trust the intentions of each other enough that they are willing to expose their vulnerabilities because they are confident that it will not be used against them. Hence they are willing to admit deficiencies and ask for help.
In other words, they are able to concentrate their energies on achieving the team's goals rather than wasting time trying to defend their egos and look good to their team-mates
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
The Magic - Day 6 (Works like magic)
Today, imagine that you have an invisible manager whose job is to keep a record of your thoughts and feelings at work. Imagine he will follow you wherever you go work poised with a pen and notebook noting down every thought and feeling that you have. Every time you find something about your job to be grateful for, your manager will make a note of it. Your job is to find as many things as you can that you can be grateful about and if the list is really long, your invisible manager can bring more of it into your life.
More money, more success at work, more opportunities, more enjoyment and more fulfillment.
Now go, find all the things that you can be grateful for at work.
The more deeply your manager can see you're feeling gratitude, the sooner your manager can start to make the magic happen in your work.
Today's practice:
1) Repeat Day 1 practice: First thing in the morning write down 10 things that you are grateful to have in your life along with the reason why you are grateful. Once you've written down all 10, now read from the first one till the last but after each item say "thank you, thank you, thank you" while feeling the reason why you are grateful.
2) Last thing at night take your gratitude stone and feel it while thinking of the best thing that happened to you that day. This can be done a few times during the day too.
3) Take a look at the photo of the 3 most important people in your life and give thanks that they are, 'just the way they are'.
4) Read the card which says "The Gift of Health is keeping me alive" that is displayed prominently in your room.
5) Look at the Magic 10 rupee note that says ""Thank you for all the money I've been given throughout my life"
6) Make a note of all the things at work that you are grateful for and feel the gratitude deeply.
Have a magical Day.....
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
The magical world of gratitude: The Magic - Day 5 (Magical Money)
The magical world of gratitude: The Magic - Day 5 (Magical Money): Think back on all the times that you've received money, materials, services or something that cost someone some money. Be grateful f...
The Magic - Day 5 (Magical Money)
Think back on all the times that you've received money, materials, services or something that cost someone some money. Be grateful for each of those times and soak in the gratitude.
Make a promise to yourself that whenever you receive any money, whether it's your salary, a refund or discount, or something that someone gives that would have cost you money, you will be truly grateful for it. Each of these circumstances means that you have received money and each instance gives you an opportunity to use gratitude's magical power to increase and multiply your money even more by being grateful for the money you just received.
Take a Rs 10 note (can be Rs1 or Rs 50 or 100 too). Write on a sticker or post it that you place on the note "Thank you for all the money I've been given throughout my life"
Take this note with you today and read it at least 4 to 5 times today at different times
Today's practice:
1) Repeat Day 1 practice: First thing in the morning write down 10 things that you are grateful to have in your life along with the reason why you are grateful. Once you've written down all 10, now read from the first one till the last but after each item say "thank you, thank you, thank you" while feeling the reason why you are grateful.
2) Last thing at night take your gratitude stone and feel it while thinking of the best thing that happened to you that day. This can be done a few times during the day too.
3) Take a look at the photo of the 3 most important people in your life and give thanks that they are, 'just the way they are'.
4) Put up the card which says "The Gift of Health is keeping me alive" prominently in your room and read it a few times.
5) Take the Magic 10 rupee note with you today and read it 4 or 5 times today.
Have a magical prosperous day today.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
The Magic - Day 4 (Magical Health)
"Gratitude is a vaccine, an antibiotic and an antiseptic"
The degree that you are grateful for your health is the exact degree that your health will magically increase.
Think about each part of your body and give thanks for all that it does. "Say thank you for my........ "
Give thanks to each of your senses, each of your organs, your beautiful mind, your loyal and hardworking heart, ....
As you dwell on each, think of how blessed you are that it is working and allowing you to live a life without worrying about it and its work.
Write on a white card in large letters "The Gift of Health is keeping me alive" Carry it with you for the day and read it at least 3 to 4 times today.
Today's practice:
1) Repeat Day 1 practice: First thing in the morning write down 10 things that you are grateful to have in your life along with the reason why you are grateful. Once you've written down all 10, now read from the first one till the last but after each item say "thank you, thank you, thank you" while feeling the reason why you are grateful.
2) Last thing at night take your gratitude stone and feel it while thinking of the best thing that happened to you that day. This can be done a few times during the day too.
3) Take a look at the photo of the 3 most important people in your life and give thanks that they are, 'just the way they are'.
4) Read the card which says "The Gift of Health is keeping me alive" Carry it with you for the day and read it at least 3 to 4 times today.
Saturday, 14 September 2013
The Magic - Day 3
It's our contact and experience with other people that gives our life joy, meaning and purpose. Gratitude makes relationships flourish. Choose the 3 people in your life who are closest to you and who can have the maximum impact on your life. Pick up a photo of each of them and keep them with you for the day. Look at each person and think of all the things that you like, adore or respect about them. If you are alone, give loud thanks and praise for the way they are. Do this three to four times today. Each day you can change the people if you like.
Today's practice:
1) Repeat Day 1 practice: First thing in the morning write down 10 things that you are grateful to have in your life along with the reason why you are grateful. Once you've written down all 10, now read from the first one till the last but after each item say "thank you, thank you, thank you" while feeling the reason why you are grateful.
2) Last thing at night take your gratitude stone and feel it while thinking of the best thing that happened to you that day. This can be done a few times during the day too.
3) Take a look at the photo of the 3 most important people in your life and give thanks that they are, 'just the way they are'.
Lead a life of gratitude and joy. Have a fabulous day.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
The magical world of gratitude: The Magic - Day 1 and 2
The magical world of gratitude: The Magic - Day 1 and 2: I've fancied myself very high on gratitude and believed that I'm usually grateful to people, things and events in my life. Till ...
The Magic - Day 1 and 2
I've fancied myself very high on gratitude and believed that I'm usually grateful to people, things and events in my life. Till I started reading Rhonda Byrne's "The magic" three days back. I'm now in Day 2 of the book and I find powerful practices, that if one were to practice as per the book, can magically change your life.
I've discovered that I've not even scratched the surface of this subject earlier and that I have a lot more work on myself before I can truly call myself a "Gratitude Coach"
I'm going to share with you this book as I read it, so those of you planning to buy it and do not want the content revealed can just log off and go pick up your own copy. Others can stay on with me and do the practices each day
Day #1:
Write down 10 things that you are grateful to have in your life along with the reason why you are grateful/ For example; I am truly grateful to have ............. in my life because he/she is so truly ..................... and I am so ......... because of his/her presence in my life.
You can be grateful for a person in your life, a pet, a quality you have, a material possession, a job / career, a lifestyle, a cause or whatever else you are truly grateful to have in your life.
Write this down first thing in the morning in a lovely notebook that you could call your gratitude journal.
Once you've written down all 10, now read from the first one till the last but after each item say "thank you, thank you, thank you" feeling the reason why you are grateful. This is very important and works even more powerfully if said out aloud.
Day #2:
Find a smooth stone / pebble that feels good in your hand. This will be your gratitude stone.
Every night before going to sleep, feel the stone in your hand and while doing so, think back on your day and find the one incident / person or thing in your life that day that you feel most grateful for. Once you found that, think back on why you are most grateful for that person, thing or event, all the while caressing your gratitude stone. Once you've relived that moment, you can put that stone prominently near your bed / alarm clock.
You can carry the stone all day in your pocket or bag and at least 3 or 4 times, feel the stone and get in touch with that feeling of gratitude you had the previous night.
Do these practices, the first one today itself as soon as you get yourself a good notebook. Tomorrow you need to do both, practice#1 in the morning and practice#2 in the night. And I shall share with you Day#3 sometime after that.
Have a life filled with gratitude. Happiness is sure to follow :)
Monday, 5 August 2013
I read this story this morning and thought I'll share it with you since it's topical to my morning post:
I dream't that I went to God’s world, and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, "This is the Receiving Section Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are received." I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world.
Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section. The angel then said to me, "This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them." I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth.
Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the door of a very small station. To my great surprise, only one angel was seated there, idly doing nothing. "This is the Acknowledgment Section," my angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed "How is it that there is no work going on here?" I asked. "So sad," the angel sighed. "After people receive the blessings that they asked for, very few send back acknowledgments."
"How does one acknowledge God's blessings?" I asked. "Simple," the angel answered. Just say, "Thank you, God."
"What blessings should we acknowledge?" I asked.
"If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world.
“ If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy."
"And if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity."
"If you woke up this morning with more health than illness are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day."
"If your parents are still alive and still are very rare."
"If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, you're unique to all those in doubt and despair."
Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you want, pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are.
To the Acknowledgement Dept.: "
Gratitude is a great attitude for success
Are you seeking success in life - in your health, money, relationships, career, social recognition?
Let's say for instance that you are suffering from an illness for a long time. You are undergoing treatment and the prognosis is not very encouraging for a speedy recovery. What is your attitude to your health now? Upset, Complaining, Frustrating, Painful? Is it helping?Add a little gratitude to this cocktail of emotions and watch how it makes you feel. Surely there are some parts of your body that is working well. be grateful for it. Look for all the things that are working well in your health and be grateful for them. Increase the dosage daily and see how much faster you are healing.
Gratitude is the single most powerful ingredient in your life that can transform the area where you have a lack and turn it into an area of abundance and happiness.
Thank you for reading this post and wish you an abundantly healthy and happy life.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Free Will or Divine Design
Why is it that many times we feel, I've put all effforts and I have still not succeeded in this area? It may be in losing weight, earning more money, earning more recognition, getting into or out of a relationship, or any of the other objectives that we work for in our life.
Some people would say whatever you do, only if it is in your stars would it work out for you. Others would say, you are in charge of your destiny. Where you put your efforts, you will see results. Some would say karma. Some others would say it's God's Will. Whatever reason is ascribed to it, we have all noticed that the results are not always relative to our efforts.
Sometimes, I've struggled and stretched and done everything I can to achieve something and the end result is a Big Zero. There have also been instances where I have not taken any effort and suddenly there is a windfall and I get something I want without having done any effort to achieve it.
Life can look confusing and contrary many a time. People who don't deserve it, get it. People who deserve it are left high and dry. And in some rare times, people who deserve it, get it.
I have given up trying to decipher this phenomenon and I have resigned myself to be just an observer and watch events develop, and give it a nudge and push now and then. It's far more gratifying this way. I don't get stressed at the outcome and I discover the many twists and turns that fate throws at us and marvel at the way this chess game is developing.
I move a pawn here and He moves a rook there. I think the situation is hopeless and suddenly I find His queen exposed and take it.
The game of life has ups and downs, successes and failures, high times and low times. But it's never boring and always exciting.
If we have the ability to observe ourselves and the world as we play out our roles in life, there is immense excitement and magic in the way life develops and pans out.
Go live your life and observe the little nuances, turns and twists that life offers and marvel at how He is moving us in the direction we had set for our self before we came in.
Some people would say whatever you do, only if it is in your stars would it work out for you. Others would say, you are in charge of your destiny. Where you put your efforts, you will see results. Some would say karma. Some others would say it's God's Will. Whatever reason is ascribed to it, we have all noticed that the results are not always relative to our efforts.
Sometimes, I've struggled and stretched and done everything I can to achieve something and the end result is a Big Zero. There have also been instances where I have not taken any effort and suddenly there is a windfall and I get something I want without having done any effort to achieve it.
Life can look confusing and contrary many a time. People who don't deserve it, get it. People who deserve it are left high and dry. And in some rare times, people who deserve it, get it.
I have given up trying to decipher this phenomenon and I have resigned myself to be just an observer and watch events develop, and give it a nudge and push now and then. It's far more gratifying this way. I don't get stressed at the outcome and I discover the many twists and turns that fate throws at us and marvel at the way this chess game is developing.
I move a pawn here and He moves a rook there. I think the situation is hopeless and suddenly I find His queen exposed and take it.
The game of life has ups and downs, successes and failures, high times and low times. But it's never boring and always exciting.
If we have the ability to observe ourselves and the world as we play out our roles in life, there is immense excitement and magic in the way life develops and pans out.
Go live your life and observe the little nuances, turns and twists that life offers and marvel at how He is moving us in the direction we had set for our self before we came in.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Muggy Morning
It's a Friday morning and the weather outside is muggy. Sombre clouds have darkened the horizon. There's no breeze. The weather is still and it looks like nature is waiting for a signal from someone to download its burden.
Everyone goes through days like this where their burden is so much that it needs to break out and get freed from its container. Just like nature has its escape valves that get released when the pressure builds up to intolerable levels, we humans too have escape valves that we need to consciously release so that the built up pressure is removed.
Are you aware of your escape valves and do you consciously release the pressure in a safe and healthy manner?
These are some of the ways that we can release stress in a safe and healthy manner:
A) Remove clutter in your personal life:
Everyone goes through days like this where their burden is so much that it needs to break out and get freed from its container. Just like nature has its escape valves that get released when the pressure builds up to intolerable levels, we humans too have escape valves that we need to consciously release so that the built up pressure is removed.
Are you aware of your escape valves and do you consciously release the pressure in a safe and healthy manner?
These are some of the ways that we can release stress in a safe and healthy manner:
A) Remove clutter in your personal life:
- Clean out the draws;
- Empty out your purse or wallet and remove unwanted stuff
- Throw away or give away unwanted or long unused clothes
- Polish your shoes
- De-clutter your mobile - remove old unwanted contacts and information
- Clean up your laptop or computer
- Tidy up your wardrobe
- Have a haircut
B) Meet or speak to old friends who make you laugh
C) Immerse yourself in nature - beach, lawns, forest walk, etc
D) Go for a jog or play a vigorous game
E) Do yoga nidra
This is only an indicative list. make your own and cross out those that are addictive or abusive to your body or mind.
De-stress yourself and release pent up emotions. Only you can take care of your body and mind.
Be grateful that you have this opportunity to clean up, de-tox and get more energised.
Have a lovely day.
Taking stock of your blessings
Did you just say, what blessings?
There are many days when I've felt that way too. When life weighs down on you and you think the whole world has conspired to get at you. It's a spiral staircase that goes down, down and further down with no sign of letting up.
I have been where you have been, and you may not believe me, because when you are in it, it looks like only you are going through it and the rest of the world is better off. But we all have our hells and we find ways of getting ourselves out.
One of the better ways of pulling yourself out of this self defeating spiral is to take stock of the blessings in your life. Yes, even at its worst there is always something to be grateful for.
You are able to read it - you have eyes and you are literate. Millions don't have this luxury.
You have electricity right now. Millions are suffering without electricity or for very very less periods of time.
You have energy and the ability to move and be fully or reasonably self reliant in your daily routine. Many others would give an arm and a leg to have that.
The list is endless. There are many many things working in your life right now. In your body. In your relationships. In your finances. In your health. In your family, city, country. Nature is in bloom and butterflies and birds are fluttering about. Did you notice them?
Notice the stuff that works. Notice the millions of things that once gave you so much of pleasure and that you take for granted now.
List them. Celebrate them. You are unique. You have the ability to dig yourself out of any hole, any size.
So get to work and dispel those frowns and tensions.
Get active. Connect with people. Give of yourself. Learn something new. become aware of your surroundings and the good things that are still there in your life.
I love you. Life loves you.
There are many days when I've felt that way too. When life weighs down on you and you think the whole world has conspired to get at you. It's a spiral staircase that goes down, down and further down with no sign of letting up.
I have been where you have been, and you may not believe me, because when you are in it, it looks like only you are going through it and the rest of the world is better off. But we all have our hells and we find ways of getting ourselves out.
One of the better ways of pulling yourself out of this self defeating spiral is to take stock of the blessings in your life. Yes, even at its worst there is always something to be grateful for.
You are able to read it - you have eyes and you are literate. Millions don't have this luxury.
You have electricity right now. Millions are suffering without electricity or for very very less periods of time.
You have energy and the ability to move and be fully or reasonably self reliant in your daily routine. Many others would give an arm and a leg to have that.
The list is endless. There are many many things working in your life right now. In your body. In your relationships. In your finances. In your health. In your family, city, country. Nature is in bloom and butterflies and birds are fluttering about. Did you notice them?
Notice the stuff that works. Notice the millions of things that once gave you so much of pleasure and that you take for granted now.
List them. Celebrate them. You are unique. You have the ability to dig yourself out of any hole, any size.
So get to work and dispel those frowns and tensions.
Get active. Connect with people. Give of yourself. Learn something new. become aware of your surroundings and the good things that are still there in your life.
I love you. Life loves you.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Why should I pay compliments?
Why pay compliments?

“I can live two months on a good compliment” - Mark Twain
When someone receives a compliment, the person who receives the praise enjoys feeling noticed and valued. At the same time the giver can also bask in the connection made. With every compliment given, a bond is established, trust is built, and conversation encouraged.
Here are a few suggestions to make the most of giving and receiving of compliments:

1) Be genuine. False praise is easy to spot, and it undermines your trustworthiness.
2) Avoid giving back-handed compliments, such as “Though you are dark, you are still pretty.”
3) Be as specific as possible. Avoid vagueness such as: “I like how you re-decorated your living room.” Be specific such as: “I like the color choice of your living room walls. It matches perfectly with the cushions and curtains.”
4) Never brush off a compliment given to you. It’s like returning a gift.
5) Smile and say thank you when you receive a compliment.
6) Look for something specific to compliment whenever you meet someone. You'll be surprised to see how good the world starts looking.
Try this for today and do it for one full day each week. This will get you to enjoy the world far more than you are doing now.

“I can live two months on a good compliment” - Mark Twain
When someone receives a compliment, the person who receives the praise enjoys feeling noticed and valued. At the same time the giver can also bask in the connection made. With every compliment given, a bond is established, trust is built, and conversation encouraged.
Here are a few suggestions to make the most of giving and receiving of compliments:

1) Be genuine. False praise is easy to spot, and it undermines your trustworthiness.
2) Avoid giving back-handed compliments, such as “Though you are dark, you are still pretty.”
3) Be as specific as possible. Avoid vagueness such as: “I like how you re-decorated your living room.” Be specific such as: “I like the color choice of your living room walls. It matches perfectly with the cushions and curtains.”
4) Never brush off a compliment given to you. It’s like returning a gift.
5) Smile and say thank you when you receive a compliment.
6) Look for something specific to compliment whenever you meet someone. You'll be surprised to see how good the world starts looking.
Try this for today and do it for one full day each week. This will get you to enjoy the world far more than you are doing now.
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Monday, 1 July 2013
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Why should I feel gratitude when there is so much that is wrong in my life now?
Yes, this is a honest question that crops up whenever we are asked to feel grateful isn't it? There are so many issues that I have to battle with, but I'm expected to live in a state of gratitude. I see lack in some areas of my life where I want to see plenty. How will feeling grateful help me to fill that lack or forget about it?
But I notice that when I fake gratitude during these extreme conditions, there is a loosening of the muscles around the eyes, and a slight thaw in the frost that has settled into my mind and heart.
There is a slight shift towards that state of plenty or adequacy that I'm seeking. And as I repeatedly fake it, the permafrost melts and the tightness of muscles start easing and even before there is a real shift in the actual physical state of lack, I'm already in the state of plenty and very soon the physical state of plenty is also effortlessly achieved.
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Same goes for money, health, success in career or studies, etc. There is always something to celebrate and feel grateful for in your life. Dig deep. Find it. Celebrate it. Feel grateful for it.
What you seek will show up.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Last year's "End of year" gratitudes
Attract Abundance through practising gratitude:
Have you ever noticed when you are planning to buy a new car or looking for a particular make or colour, you suddenly see a lot more of them on the road than you had noticed before. Why does this phenomenon occur? Does that mean that after you started paying attention to something, it starts manifesting itself out of nowhere. Or could it mean that they were always around but now that you are aware of it, you are able to notice them? And this is true not just for cars alone, isn't it?
I believe that what you pay attention to in your life, grows. What you ignore dies. If we all understand this simple law, can't we just manifest the perfect life for ourselves by picking the things we pay attention to.
Last month, I hadn't thought of all this when I'd started to post one gratitude per day on facebook. This was triggered by a post on a friend's wall where she posted a gratitude since it was December, last month of the year and she felt like thanking some aspect of her life. That motivated me to post one gratitude per day for one month and sign off the year on a string of gratitudes.
It was easier thought, than done. The first few days was a breeze, but there were days when how much ever I dug into my memories of that day, I couldn't find a single thing to be grateful for. However, buried deep within, there was something I could find that I could be grateful for.
After 3 weeks, it seemed to get easier since I was constantly looking around at what I could be grateful for and things just started to go my way or you could say that I only noticed things that went my way.
I've given below the whole string of gratitudes that I'd posted on FB. There may be 2 or 3 days missing since they were the darkest or the busiest and I couldn't find time to do them.
Year 2012 - Gratitude
December is here..... End of the year......
I'd like to have a daily thread of gratitude... I'm going to pick one thing I'm most grateful for in this year and post one per day for the rest of the month. Hope you guys share one of yours too daily on this post.... Let's see all the things that we are grateful for in our lives and bid this year goodbye from the high ground of gratitude..
Gratitude #1:
I'm thankful for my family for having stood by me through thick and thin and still shower love, warmth and affection, come what may..... Thank you one and all for being in my life and for being who you are.
Gratitude #2:
I’m thankful for my dog Alfie, who greets me with so much enthusiasm every time I come back home that I instantly forget everything that happened in the day and am brought to the here and now instantly. He has no bad moods, holds no grouses, doesn’t expect anything more than a pat, hug or scratch and brings me back to what is, rather than what could be or was.
Thank you Alfie for coming into my life and being a big part of it
Gratitude #3:
I’m grateful for all my new friends and family in DLF Garden City who have come together to create a vibrant community – going beyond all the problems, irritants, poor quality, late delivery, increased costs and myriad other issues that DLF has created for us.
This community has come together like early settlers and have bonded and worked as one unit to create a happy, energetic and vibrant life in DLF Garden City.
Thank you DGC-ians for being so positive and helpful to each other
Gratitude #4:
I’m grateful for this new project that I’m working on right now. It has given new meaning to my life and everything that I’ve learnt, experienced or felt before has come of use today. It’s almost like God was preparing me for this all along, and the time has come to give birth to our world this fabulous thing called TGR Happyness Circle. Every member and every person who has come to the sessions have been wowed by it and have taken away real benefits.
I’m so looking forward to witness its growth and I am so grateful that I’m involved in this great initiative.
Gratitude #5:
I’m grateful for my temperament that allows me to live amongst all these stressors and challenges and still come through right side up. Life is a roller coaster and though we are bumping from one challenge to another, it still feels worth it and the muscles of the soul are getting bigger and tougher.
So I’m grateful for this inner thing called temperament or whatever that is, that allows me to smile though it all and keep looking ahead to every new day for new adventures and challenges and to enjoy this dance of life.
Gratitude #6:
I’m grateful for my country India. In spite of being labeled backward, third world, or whatever other demeaning sobriquet, it has a rich history as well as ancient wisdom. We are a democracy and whatever problems we have are all created by us only.
We are what we are and the western world can seldom understand us. Our traffic, our queue system, our head shaking, the smells, our sense of karma and our ability to be cheerful under extremely trying circumstances are all puzzling and annoying for most foreigners.
But it’s still India and our home and I’m grateful that we are still one nation and we will be no 1 very soon. At least in sheer numbers ?
Gratitude #7:
I’m grateful for the staff who work so tirelessly to do all those little things that make our life easy every day. Security, maintenance staff, maids, vendors and all those people who are toiling away to make sure that we have electricity, water, security, communications lines, lifts, milk, paper, groceries, vegetables and all those zillion things that I use daily without even acknowledging the effort that has gone into bringing it into my life. Where will I be without them? I’m connected to so many millions who have contributed to making my life here and now possible.
Thank you all those nameless beings who have contributed to keeping me alive and making my life easy.
Gratitude #8:
I’m grateful to the scenery outside my windows and balconies. Vast greenery, some buildings in the far horizon, flocks of migratory birds flying below us, the mist shrouding the scenery on some mornings, the peep of the sun as it shyly comes up from sleep, the spreading glow of daylight, the magical star lit nights with lights twinkling in the far background, rain filled fields and the ever changing kaleidoscopic changes during dawn and dusk.
It’s better than I imagined and makes the whole experience of buying a flat from DLF more bearable than it otherwise would have been.
Thank you dear scenery, may you always dazzle me with the magical changes through the days and months ahead.
Gratitude #9:
I’m grateful to my heart which is tirelessly working day and night to keep me going. Every second, every minute that it is pumping, it is toiling for me. It has been working well without me sparing it a passing thought let alone acknowledging its efforts.
Without any effort from my side, without any special care, this organ keeps going on and on.
Thank you my heart for keeping me alive and thank you for making me who I am.
Gratitude #10:
I’m grateful to all the conveniences in my life. My car, cellphone, laptops and the myriad electronic and electro-mechanical devices that clutter my life and make it easy for me to do 10x more work or live richer than it would have been possible without them. Life has become so easy for us and so abundant. I can watch and hear stuff happening thousands of miles away on my TV as it’s happening. Who would have imagined this 50 yrs back? We can travel 1000s of kms in a few hrs, what would have taken months just 100 yrs ago.
I take so much for granted so many things. Even the richest kings 200 yrs back, couldn’t in their wildest dreams, have wished to do the kind of things that I can so effortlessly do nowadays.
I’m living more abundantly than the kings of yore and I am grateful for that and for all those people who have created these magical devices that make this possible.
Gratitude #11:
I am grateful to all those people who feel passionately that India should offer her best to her citizens; reliable electricity, safe drinking water, good roads, clean governance, good civic sense, excellent civic amenities, reliable law & order and a trustworthy & speedy judicial system.
As long as their tribe grows, we have hope and when this tribe reaches critical mass, all of these dreams would become reality.
Two of this tribe had reacted passionately to my Gratitude #6 and I am grateful that they pointed out what they did and wish them well and hope they spark more such people to join this movement.
Gratitude #12:
I’m grateful to all those people who have taught me valuable lessons this year. Consciously or unconsciously, you were meant to teach me these lessons and I acknowledge with love that you have done it for my good and my development whether you are aware of it or not.
It may have pained you or troubled you at times that this was happening. But, I believe that there is a larger design and this was just an episode in our relationship that was meant to happen and we need to move on and seek our own development
Thank you for doing what you did and may the force be with you.
Gratitude #13:
I’m grateful to all my friends out there. Those who keep in touch, those who just send out those warm fuzzy thoughts, those who are too busy and have no time to do either, you have all added big time to my life and your good wishes, thoughts, words and deeds have contributed to my growth and happiness.
Some of you have known me like forever, and some of you have just recently come into my life, but each of you were meant to be here and connected with me. I’m grateful we’ve had our times together now and then. We may not be able to meet anymore for various reasons, we may not be able to speak anymore, but just a few kind thoughts now and then are enough to keep us connected and add meaning to our lives. I wish you all well and hope that you are having the time of your life.
Thank you for being you and thank you for gracing my life with your presence.
Gratitude #17:
I’m grateful for birthdays. I’ve been surrounded by people wishing me the best and generally making me feel good and wanted. It’s fabulous to have so many friends and family share your happy moment and make it extra special by taking the trouble to visit; taking the trouble to call or email; or taking the trouble to send warm wishes or just thinking about you in some way.
My brother and sisters took the trouble to drive 30 kms last nite to wake me up from sleep and flood me with their bonhomie, wishes and gifts that it was truly worth giving up my sleep. Birthdays help remind me that at the core of our life is all these relationships that we’ve built over the years and that though we may be separated by distance, yet we are all still together.
Thank you all for making it beautiful and a truly memorable day.
Gratitude #18:
I’m grateful for the one hour I get every morning to myself soon after I wake up. The stillness, the promise of a new day, new beginnings, new adventures, a possibility to do more, some time for a dialogue with the Creator, some exercise, walking Alfie, the morning pages (the days I do it) and just pottering around the house while the rest of the household is asleep.
It’s easily the best time of the day and I can’t imagine any other way to start the day. And when dawn breaks, the sun slowly rises on the horizon, the colours change every second and the sky gets streaked with yellows, pinks, orange and reds that chase the indigos and turns them into myriad shades of blues.
The early morning sky, pre-dawn and during sunrise is such a beautiful sight that makes your heart skip a few beats each time you see it.
Thank you dear mornings, you energise my day, every single day.
Gratitude #19:
I’m grateful for the drive that I have every morning where I get time to spend with my son. Whether we are chatting or not, we’re getting to know each other better, bonding better and get to discuss stuff that we otherwise wouldn’t get the time or space to discuss at home.
I’m grateful that I drive him to school every day ‘cos I’m getting to know him a little better than I did before. And I’ve also discovered that he is grown up enough to discuss events and ideas almost like grown-ups.
I’m grateful for the time that I’m getting to spend with him on these morning drives.
Gratitude #20:
I’m grateful for being alive today. Whether today or tomorrow is the last day of the world, I don’t know. But I am alive today and ready to take on this world and determined to spread cheer and happiness to everyone I meet or interact with.
I believe that this is the only way to lead one’s life, full-on and in-the-face, come what may. Doesn’t matter if I drop down dead the next minute, ‘cos I’ve lived fully every moment of every day at my terms and in full communion with my creator and all the other beings he’s created for our collective enjoyment. So how does it matter when the world will end? I’m alive now and that’s all that matters for now.
I’m glad to be alive now and I’m glad to have lived the life that I have till now… and looking forward to more God-willing.
Gratitude #21:
I’m grateful for my Samsung Galaxy Note II that was gifted to me by my wife and kids on my birthday last week. It’s a super cool phone with a ton load of features to make life easier and more productive. My children have researched which one to get and have been picking my mind on what I would want and not want in a phone for 3 to 4 weeks before they zeroed in on this model. They’ve bought this 2 weeks before my birthday and have kept it confidential till the D-day.
It’s a truly amazing phone where I can speak and a text message or email can be sent out, I can draw and edit photos, find directions to a new place, do banking, book movies tickets and do a host of stuff that I never thought possible in a phone.
Thank you Samsung for putting all this into a handheld, thank you my phone for being so handy and thank you my family for researching this and getting it for me.
Truly handy and useful gift:
Gratitude #22
I'm grateful today for the empty roads. It's such a pleasure to be able to travel at a steady speed and reach our destination in half the time it usually takes. Thanks to all those who have left for vacation.
Gratitude #23:
I’m grateful for Mother Nature. She’s so bountiful and generous irrespective of how we treat her. On my morning walks, I find that any patch of land, will have some life form or other – starting with the lowly grass to shrubs and flowering plants. There is patches of colours under all the construction dust and debris that we see thrown all around us just outside the DLF GC complex, some brave flowers have sprouted out and displays their radiant colours to observant passer-bys.
Whether we chuck plastic or paper or cloth or other debris, nature finds a way to build life around it and sprouts up plants and best of all flowers through all this.
What if we could help her and ourselves by reducing the rubbish that we throw outside and ensure the cleanliness of our surroundings. Then these flowers would be more visible and show their full beauty for all to enjoy.
Thank you Mother Nature, we owe so much to you and your large-hearted contributions to our well-being.
Gratitude #24:
I’m grateful to the water I drink every day. It’s just water you might say. But it’s what makes me who I am. What thoughts I carry as I drink it, goes deep into me and determines how my day pans out.
The thoughts I think, as I have my bath, flows along with the water and enters my pores and permeates my very being.
This water, goes in and becomes my body. Remember, I’m 70% water. And every thought, every word and every action is coloured with the same intentions and thoughts that I’ve been carrying while I drank it or bathed in it.
Thank you water for energsing me and for giving me the life force to lead my life well.
Gratitude #25:
Thank you for Christmas, a day when most parts of the world celebrate as a time of peace and a time to shower love, especially family love. This day that Jesus was born, changed the world order. He brought love, peace, forgiveness and compassion to a savage land and filled people with hope of reaching for something higher, call it heaven or whatever. It is now also known as the time to give… Give gifts, hugs, presents, parties, love, good will, cheer and more. It is filled with memories of good things and is a season of giving and sharing.
I’m grateful for the midnight mass at St. Theresa’s Church with the lovely decorations and the beautiful messages shared by the priest. The massive turnout would be a testimony to the spirit of the season and I hope this spirit is being carried into each of their lives and benefitting lots more people. I’m grateful for the party hosted by my sister which kept me awake till 2 am and all those who joined in the merriment?
Thank you Christmas for ending our year with gratitude, sharing, compassion and appreciation of all our loved ones.
Gratitude #26:
I’m grateful for all of you out there who have been following this string of gratitudes this month. Some of you like Swapna Simon have actually contributed to the thread many times and seems to be the only one who read my first gratitude where I’d requested others to join in with their own.
I’m grateful to Nishith Kl Bhandarkar and Gomathi K Reddy who have had the courage to tell me that they are waiting to see their name in one of my gratitudes, you guys rock.
I’m grateful to those of you who chose to disagree to some of my gratitudes, and cared to put it down as a comment. Your forthright views goes towards shaping our collective consciousness and will ultimately make our world better.
I’m grateful for those of you who have left comments, pressed like, called or emailed to let me know that you love reading these posts and that it has made you think on similar lines and looked within yourself to feel good about the many things in your life that you can feel grateful for.
I’m grateful to those who have passively watched along the sidelines and have either sent silent thoughts of appreciation or disbelief or plain disinterest, you have your reasons and you are doing what you believe is best in this situation. Hope you have spared a few moments to think of what you are grateful for in your own life and in some small ways made you feel a little better.
I'm grateful to every single one of you for sparing some time to read and hopefully sparing some time for self examination and discovering gratitude for whatever blessings you have in your life.
(Btw, just started reading a book by Rhonda Bryne "The Magic",ur a birthday gift by my sister, on this same topic)
Gratitude #27:
I’m grateful to those countless people out there who are daring to stand up against the establishment and voice their views, organize protests, whip up movements and do their bit to build public opinion and force governments to change laws or policies so that people can be treated in a more humane and caring manner than it currently is.
In the US, India, and many other countries, the common man and woman are standing up for their rights and the rights of others and are creating ripples and waves that can build momentum to bring about radical change in laws and policies that could build a more humane society.
I’m grateful that people care enough to care for the plight of others and I hope that this spirit of caring grows and grows to envelope the whole world so that each will look out for the other and become truly one.
Gratitude #28:
I’m grateful for vacations. It stretches and challenges me (as well as most parents) to find ways and means to keep the kids engaged and happy. Those who can go away for extended vacations find their life a little easier. Others like me who have been at home this vacation have to get creative and be challenged to stop the kids from uttering the b**** word.
It’s not a four letter word.
I’m grateful that vacations are here and we’re able to bond with our kids and I’m grateful that it is short enough to send them back to school so we can miss them badly, till the next vacations ?
Yes, I’m still grateful for vacations. There is something so relaxing and yet so challenging in it. The dread of hearing the “bored” word from my child and the pleasure when we get through the day without once hearing it ?
Gratitude #29
I’m grateful that these string of gratitudes is coming to an end. It has taught me that it is tough to feel gratitude for an extended period of time. It has taught me how tough it is to keep an habit like this going for 30 days.
It has made me dig deep to find things to be grateful for. It has evoked mixed reactions from friends and acquaintances and showed me how differently each issue can be looked at by different people and that there is no right or wrong. Only perspectives and opinions.
I’m grateful that this is coming to an end. ( Except that I’ve now bought a little diary where I’m going to pen 10 gratitudes every day for the next one year. Want to see if I can have 3650 unique things to be grateful for next year. ) Wish me luck!
Gratitude #30:
I’m not sure whether this can be termed as a gratitude, but here goes…
I’m grateful for this brave soul who gave up her life in such a painful way after extreme suffering to awaken a nation steeped in apathy for such a long time.
She’s broken this nation out of its stupor and brought the spotlight on how badly we treat our women – from small daily harassments in the form of lecherous looks, comments, thoughts and actions to far graver crimes such as suppressing the right to live for a female foetus to the right to move around freely and choose freely in life.
She’s broken the blinds that had us pretending that we are a nation that reveres our women as Mother and God (in words and platitudes) and shown us to be a nation that truly treats its women as mere goods and symbols of power and greed.
She’s no less a martyr than many many before her, and her short life has taken a whole new meaning by the way she fought for her rights and the rights of half our nation.
I’m grateful that there are countless more souls who have taken upon themselves to stand solidly behind this braveheart and braving the fierce cold, lathi charges, water cannons, govt apathy and cold hearted official reactions are demonstrating day and night for the past 13 days and is moving our cumbersome and lethargic political class to take heed and worry about their survival for the first time in 65 years.
May her soul rest in peace by achieving what billions of Indians before her couldn’t, making a lasting change that will build a more responsive, compassionate society that celebrates freedom and security for half its population and change the justice delivery system in our country.
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